Research Associate I
Human Biology
mmujumda at ucsd.edu
B.S. Global Health, University of California, San Diego, 2019
Mayuresh Mujumdar (he/his) recently graduated magna cum laude from UCSD with a B.S. in global health. He joined Yeo Lab as a junior in high school in 2016 through the UCSD Mentor Assistance Program (MAP) after being fascinated by how disruptions in molecular biology processes underlie disease. Under the mentorship of Dr. Kristopher Brannan, his research focuses on the discovery and characterization of RNA binding protein function in neurodegenerative disease. As an aspiring physician, his interests lie at the intersection of public health, social medicine, and health policy. In his free time, he can be found reading, crafting the perfect cup of coffee, or exploring the great outdoors.
Coming Soon!