Sara Elmsaouri
Graduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
selmsaou at ucsd.edu
B.A. Biological Sciences, Cornell University, 2015
Sara received her B.A. in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Neurobiology and Behavior from Cornell University, where she did her undergraduate research and senior honors thesis in the laboratory of Linda Nowak at the Department of Molecular Medicine. While there, she conducted whole-cell and single-channel electrophysiology to study ionotropic glutamate receptors and how disease-relevant mutations in the ligand-binding domain alter channel function. After graduating, Sara moved to Boston to work in the laboratory of Li-Huei Tsai at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT. There she used stem cell models of disease to study the contributions of microglia to neurodegeneration as well as the role of DNA damage in Alzheimer’s disease. Sara then came to San Diego to begin her PhD in the Biomedical Sciences program. Her current work in the Yeo lab hopes to elucidate the role of stress granules and RNA processing in dementia, aging, and memory. Outside of the lab, she enjoys doing yoga and ballet, going rock climbing, trying to keep her houseplants alive (stem cells are easier!), and napping at the beach.
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