Source code for flotilla.compute.expression

from __future__ import division
import itertools
import math
import sys

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd

[docs]def benjamini_hochberg(p_values, fdr=0.1): """Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis testing From: One good technique for controlling the false discovery rate was briefly mentioned by Simes (1986) and developed in detail by Benjamini and Hochberg (1995). Put the individual P-values in order, from smallest to largest. The smallest P-value has a rank of i=1, the next has i=2, etc. Then compare each individual P-value to (i/m)Q, where m is the total number of test and Q is the chosen false discovery rate. The largest P-value that has P<(i/m)Q is significant, and all P-values smaller than it are also significant. Parameters ---------- p_values : list List of p-values fdr : float, optional Desired false-discovery rate cutoff Returns ------- sigs : numpy.array Boolean array of whether or not the provided p-values are significant given the FDR cutoff """ nComps = len(p_values) + 0.0 pSorter = np.argsort(p_values) pRank = np.argsort(np.argsort(p_values)) + 1 BHcalc = (pRank / nComps) * fdr sigs = np.ndarray(shape=(nComps, ), dtype='bool') issig = True for (p, b, r) in itertools.izip(p_values[pSorter], BHcalc[pSorter], pSorter): if p > b: issig = False sigs[r] = issig return sigs
[docs]class TwoWayGeneComparisonLocal(object): """Compare gene expression for two samples """ def __init__(self, sample1_name, sample2_name, df, p_value_cutoff=0.001, local_fraction=0.1, bonferroni=True, fdr=None, dtype="RPKM"): """ Plots a scatter-plot of sample1 vs sample2, taken from df. Calculates differentially expressed genes with a Z-test from the closest (local_fraction * 100)% points. Stores result from statistical calculations in self.result_ Parameters ---------- sample1_name : str Name of the first (control) sample. Must be a row name (index) in df. Plotted on the x-axis. sample2_name : str Name of the second (treatment) sample. Must be a row name (index) in df. Plotted on the y-axis. df : pandas.DataFrame A samples (rows) x features (columns) pandas DataFrame of expression values p_value_cutoff : float, optional Cutoff for the p-values. Default 0.001. local_fraction : float, optional What fraction of genes to use for *local* z-score calculation. Default 0.1 bonferonni : bool, optional Whether or not to use the Bonferonni correction on p-values fdr : ???, optional benjamini-hochberg FDR filtering - check result, proceed with caution. sometimes breaks :( dtype : str, optional Data type """ sample1 = df.ix[sample1_name] sample2 = df.ix[sample2_name] self.sample_names = (, sample1 = sample1.replace(0, np.nan).dropna() sample2 = sample2.replace(0, np.nan).dropna() sample1, sample2 = sample1.align(sample2, join='inner') self.sample1 = sample1 self.sample2 = sample2 labels = sample1.index self.n_genes = len(labels) if bonferroni: correction = self.n_genes else: correction = 1 local_count = int(math.ceil(self.n_genes * local_fraction)) self.p_value_cutoff = p_value_cutoff self.upregulated_genes = set() self.downregulated_genes = set() self.expressed_genes = set([labels[i] for i, t in enumerate( np.any(np.c_[sample1, sample2] > 1, axis=1)) if t]) self.log2_ratio = np.log2(sample2 / sample1) self.average_expression = (sample2 + sample1) / 2. self.ranks = np.argsort(np.argsort(self.average_expression)) self.p_values = pd.Series(index=labels) self.local_mean = pd.Series(index=labels) self.local_std = pd.Series(index=labels) self.local_z = pd.Series(index=labels) self.dtype = dtype for g, r in itertools.izip(self.ranks.index, self.ranks): if r < local_count: start = 0 stop = local_count elif r > self.n_genes - local_count: start = self.n_genes - local_count stop = self.n_genes else: start = r - int(math.floor(local_count / 2.)) stop = r + int(math.ceil(local_count / 2.)) local_genes = self.ranks[self.ranks.between(start, stop)].index self.local_mean.ix[g] = np.mean(self.log2_ratio.ix[local_genes]) self.local_std.ix[g] = np.std(self.log2_ratio.ix[local_genes]) self.p_values.ix[g] = stats.norm.pdf(self.log2_ratio.ix[g], self.local_mean.ix[g], self.local_std.ix[ g]) * correction self.local_z.ix[g] = (self.log2_ratio.ix[g] - self.local_mean.ix[ g]) / self.local_std.ix[g] data = pd.DataFrame(index=labels) data["rank"] = self.ranks data["log2_ratio"] = self.log2_ratio data["local_mean"] = self.local_mean data["local_std"] = self.local_std data["pValue"] = self.p_values if fdr is None: data["isSig"] = self.p_values < p_value_cutoff else: data["isSig"] = benjamini_hochberg(self.p_values, fdr=fdr) data["meanExpression"] = self.average_expression data["local_z"] = self.local_z data[self.sample_names[0]] = sample1 data[self.sample_names[1]] = sample2 self.result_ = data for label, (pVal, logratio, isSig) in data.get( ["pValue", "log2_ratio", "isSig"]).iterrows(): if (pVal < p_value_cutoff) and isSig: if logratio > 0: self.upregulated_genes.add(label) elif logratio < 0: self.downregulated_genes.add(label) else: raise ValueError
[docs] def gstats(self): """Write general statistics of the two-way comparison to standard output """ sys.stdout.write( "I used a p-value cutoff of {:.2e}\n".format(self.p_value_cutoff)) sys.stdout.write("\tThere are {} up-regulated genes in {} vs {}\n" .format(len(self.upregulated_genes), self.sample_names[1], self.sample_names[0])) sys.stdout.write("\tThere are {} down-regulated genes in %s vs %s" .format(len(self.downregulated_genes), self.sample_names[1], self.sample_names[0])) sys.stdout.write("There are {} expressed genes in both {} and {}" .format(len(self.expressed_genes), *self.sample_names))
Olga B. Botvinnik is funded by the NDSEG fellowship and is a NumFOCUS John Hunter Technology Fellow.
Michael T. Lovci was partially funded by a fellowship from Genentech.
Partially funded by NIH grants NS075449 and HG004659 and CIRM grants RB4-06045 and TR3-05676 to Gene Yeo.