Source code for

Compute networks (the kind with nodes and edges) on data. Visualize with

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..util import memoize
from ..visualize.color import dark2

[docs]class Networker(object): """Networks (the kind with nodes and edges), aka a graph Calculate the edges based on similarity between rows of PCA-reduced data """ weight_funs = ['no_weight', 'sq', 'arctan', 'arctan_sq'] def __init__(self): """Construct a Networker object with default node colors (dark teal) and sizes (all nodes at 300) """ self._default_node_color_mapper = lambda x: dark2[0] self._default_node_size_mapper = lambda x: 300
[docs] def get_weight_fun(self, fun_name='no_weight'): """Given a string, return the function Used to obtain functions that perform common transforms on distance Parameters ---------- fun_name : 'no_weight' | 'sq' | 'arctan' | 'arctan_sq', optional Name of the function to obtain (default 'no_weight') Returns ------- func : function A function which transforms a number in the indicated way Raises ------ ValueError If `fun_name` is not one of the ones indicated above """ def _noweight(x): return x def _arctan_sq(x): return np.arctan(x) ** 2 if fun_name == 'no_weight': wt = _noweight elif fun_name == 'sq': wt = np.square elif fun_name == 'arctan': wt = np.arctan elif fun_name == 'arctan_sq': wt = _arctan_sq else: raise ValueError return wt
[docs] def adjacency(self, data, use_pc_1=True, use_pc_2=True, use_pc_3=True, use_pc_4=True, n_pcs=5): """Calculate the adjacency graph, i.e. connectedness between nodes Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame A (n_nodes, n_pcs) sized dataframe of reduced data use_pc1 : bool, optional If True, use the first principal component of reduced data (default True) use_pc2 : bool, optional If True, use the second principal component of reduced data (default True) use_pc3 : bool, optional If True, use the third principal component of reduced data (default True) use_pc4 : bool, optional If True, use the fourth principal component of reduced data (default True) n_pcs : int, optional Total number of principal components to use (default 5) Returns ------- adjacency : pandas.DataFrame A lower triangular matrix of the edge weights between the rows of the data """ total_pcs = data.shape[1] use_cols = np.ones(total_pcs, dtype='bool') use_cols[n_pcs:] = False use_cols = use_cols * np.array( [use_pc_1, use_pc_2, use_pc_3, use_pc_4] + [True, ] * ( total_pcs - 4)) subset = data.loc[:, use_cols] cov = np.cov(subset) nrow, ncol = subset.shape return pd.DataFrame(np.tril(cov * - (np.identity(nrow) - 1)), index=subset.index, columns=data.index)
[docs] def graph(self, adjacency, cov_cut=0, node_color_mapper=None, node_size_mapper=None, degree_cut=2, weight_function='no_weight', name=None): """Create a graph based on the adjacency matrix and other inputs Parameters ---------- adjacency : pandas.DataFrame A (n_nodes, n_nodes) square dataframe of edge weights between all nodes in the graph cov_cut : float, optional Minimum covariance between two nodes for their edge to be plotted. (default 0) node_color_mapper : function, optional Function to recolor the nodes for plotting, based on the node name. If None, defaults to a dark teal. (default None) node_size_mapper : function, optional Function to resize the nodes for plotting, based on the node name. If None, defaults to the same size for all nodes. (default None) degree_cut : int Minimum number of edges a node must have for it to be drawn on the graph weight_function : 'no_weight' | 'sq' | 'arctan' | 'arctan_sq', optional Weight function of the edges. The lower the weight, the farther away two nodes are drawn from each other. name : str, optional (default=None) For memoization purposes, not used in the function. Returns ------- graph : networkx.Graph The graph created with all these parameters positions : dict A {node_name : [x, y]} mapping of all nodes and their x, y positions """ if node_color_mapper is None: node_color_mapper = self._default_node_color_mapper if node_size_mapper is None: node_size_mapper = self._default_node_size_mapper weight = self.get_weight_fun(weight_function) graph = nx.Graph() for node_label in adjacency.index: node_color = node_color_mapper(node_label) node_size = node_size_mapper(node_label) graph.add_node(node_label, node_size=node_size, node_color=node_color) for cell1, others in adjacency.iterrows(): for cell2, value in others.iteritems(): if value > cov_cut: # cast to floats because write_gml doesn't like numpy # dtypes graph.add_edge(cell1, cell2, weight=float(weight(value)), inv_weight=float(1 / weight(value)), alpha=0.05) graph.remove_nodes_from( [k for k, v in if v <= degree_cut]) # TODO: can we output this as a (nodes, (x, y)) DataFrame instead? positions = nx.spring_layout(graph) return graph, positions
Olga B. Botvinnik is funded by the NDSEG fellowship and is a NumFOCUS John Hunter Technology Fellow.
Michael T. Lovci was partially funded by a fellowship from Genentech.
Partially funded by NIH grants NS075449 and HG004659 and CIRM grants RB4-06045 and TR3-05676 to Gene Yeo.