Source code for flotilla.compute.splicing

Calculate modalities of splicing events.

from collections import Iterable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from scipy.misc import logsumexp

MODALITIES_NAMES = ['Psi~0', 'middle', 'Psi~1', 'bimodal',

[docs]class ModalityModel(object): """Object to model modalities from beta distributions""" def __init__(self, alphas, betas): if not isinstance(alphas, Iterable) and not isinstance(betas, Iterable): alphas = [alphas] betas = [betas] self.alphas = np.array(alphas) if isinstance(alphas, Iterable) \ else np.ones(len(betas)) * alphas self.betas = np.array(betas) if isinstance(betas, Iterable) \ else np.ones(len(alphas)) * betas self.rvs = [stats.beta(a, b) for a, b in zip(self.alphas, self.betas)] self.scores = np.ones(self.alphas.shape).astype(float) self.prob_parameters = self.scores/self.scores.sum() def __eq__(self, other): return np.all(self.alphas == other.alphas) \ and np.all(self.betas == other.betas) \ and np.all(self.prob_parameters == other.prob_parameters) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def logliks(self, x): x = x.copy() x[x == 0] = 0.001 x[x == 1] = 0.999 return np.array([np.log(prob) + rv.logpdf(x[np.isfinite(x)]).sum() for prob, rv in zip(self.prob_parameters, self.rvs)])
[docs] def logsumexp_logliks(self, x): return logsumexp(self.logliks(x))
[docs]class ModalityEstimator(object): """Use Bayesian methods to estimate modalities of splicing events""" # colors = dict( # zip(['excluded', 'middle', 'included', 'bimodal', 'uniform'], # sns.color_palette('deep', n_colors=5))) def __init__(self, step, vmax, logbf_thresh=3): """Initialize an object with models to estimate splicing modality Parameters ---------- step : float Distance between parameter values vmax : float Maximum parameter value logbf_thresh : float Minimum threshold at which the bayes factor difference is defined to be significant """ self.step = step self.vmax = vmax self.logbf_thresh = logbf_thresh self.parameters = np.arange(2, self.vmax + self.step, self.step).astype(float) self.exclusion_model = ModalityModel(1, self.parameters) self.inclusion_model = ModalityModel(self.parameters, 1) self.middle_model = ModalityModel(self.parameters+3, self.parameters+3) self.bimodal_model = ModalityModel(1 / (self.parameters+3), 1 / (self.parameters+3)) self.one_param_models = {'Psi~1': self.inclusion_model, 'Psi~0': self.exclusion_model} self.two_param_models = {'bimodal': self.bimodal_model, 'middle': self.middle_model} self.models = {'Psi~1': self.inclusion_model, 'Psi~0': self.exclusion_model, 'bimodal': self.bimodal_model, 'middle': self.middle_model} def _loglik(self, event): """Calculate log-likelihoods of an event, given the modality models""" return dict((name, m.logliks(event)) for name, m in self.models.iteritems()) def _logsumexp(self, logliks): """Calculate logsumexps of each modality's loglikelihood""" logsumexps = pd.Series(dict((name, logsumexp(loglik)) for name, loglik in logliks.iteritems())) logsumexps['ambiguous'] = self.logbf_thresh return logsumexps def _guess_modality(self, logsumexps): """Guess the most likely modality. If no modalilites have logsumexp'd logliks greater than the log Bayes factor threshold, then they are assigned the 'uniform' modality, which is the null hypothesis """ if all(logsumexps[self.one_param_models.keys()] > self.logbf_thresh): return logsumexps[self.one_param_models.keys()].idxmax() else: other_models = logsumexps.index.difference( self.one_param_models.keys()) return logsumexps[other_models].idxmax()
[docs] def fit_transform(self, data): """Get the modality assignments of each splicing event in the data Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame A (n_samples, n_events) dataframe of splicing events' PSI scores. Must be psi scores which range from 0 to 1 Returns ------- modality_assignments : pandas.Series A (n_events,) series of the estimated modality for each splicing event Raises ------ AssertionError If ``data`` does not fall only between 0 and 1. """ assert np.all(data.values.flat[np.isfinite(data.values.flat)] <= 1) assert np.all(data.values.flat[np.isfinite(data.values.flat)] >= 0) # Estimate Psi~0/Psi~1 first logsumexp_logliks1 = data.apply( lambda x: pd.Series( {k: v.logsumexp_logliks(x) for k, v in self.one_param_models.iteritems()}), axis=0) logsumexp_logliks1.ix['ambiguous'] = self.logbf_thresh modality_assignments1 = logsumexp_logliks1.idxmax() # Take everything that was ambiguous for included/excluded and estimate # bimodal and middle data2 = data.ix[:, modality_assignments1 == 'ambiguous'] logsumexp_logliks2 = data2.apply( lambda x: pd.Series( {k: v.logsumexp_logliks(x) for k, v in self.two_param_models.iteritems()}), axis=0) logsumexp_logliks2.ix['ambiguous'] = self.logbf_thresh modality_assignments2 = logsumexp_logliks2.idxmax() # Combine the results modality_assignments = modality_assignments1 modality_assignments[modality_assignments2.index] = \ modality_assignments2.values return modality_assignments
[docs]def switchy_score(array): """Transform a 1D array of data scores to a vector of "switchy scores" Calculates std deviation and mean of sine- and cosine-transformed versions of the array. Better than sorting by just the mean which doesn't push the really lowly variant events to the ends. Parameters ---------- array : numpy.array A 1-D numpy array or something that could be cast as such (like a list) Returns ------- switchy_score : float The "switchy score" of the study_data which can then be compared to other splicing event study_data """ array = np.array(array) variance = 1 - np.std(np.sin(array[~np.isnan(array)] * np.pi)) mean_value = -np.mean(np.cos(array[~np.isnan(array)] * np.pi)) return variance * mean_value
[docs]def get_switchy_score_order(x): """Apply switchy scores to a 2D array of data scores Parameters ---------- x : numpy.array A 2-D numpy array in the shape [n_events, n_samples] Returns ------- score_order : numpy.array A 1-D array of the ordered indices, in switchy score order """ switchy_scores = np.apply_along_axis(switchy_score, axis=0, arr=x) return np.argsort(switchy_scores)
Olga B. Botvinnik is funded by the NDSEG fellowship and is a NumFOCUS John Hunter Technology Fellow.
Michael T. Lovci was partially funded by a fellowship from Genentech.
Partially funded by NIH grants NS075449 and HG004659 and CIRM grants RB4-06045 and TR3-05676 to Gene Yeo.