Source code for flotilla.external.combat

import sys

import pandas as pd
import patsy
import numpy.linalg as la
import numpy as np

[docs]def adjust_nums(numerical_covariates, drop_idxs): # if we dropped some values, have to adjust those with a larger index. if numerical_covariates is None: return drop_idxs return [nc - sum(nc < di for di in drop_idxs) for nc in numerical_covariates]
[docs]def design_mat(mod, numerical_covariates, batch_levels): # require levels to make sure they are in the same order as we use in the # rest of the script. design = patsy.dmatrix("~ 0 + C(batch, levels=%s)" % str(batch_levels), mod, return_type="dataframe") mod = mod.drop(["batch"], axis=1) numerical_covariates = list(numerical_covariates) sys.stderr.write("found %i batches\n" % design.shape[1]) other_cols = [c for i, c in enumerate(mod.columns) if not i in numerical_covariates] factor_matrix = mod[other_cols] design = pd.concat((design, factor_matrix), axis=1) if numerical_covariates is not None: sys.stderr.write("found %i numerical covariates...\n" % len(numerical_covariates)) for i, nC in enumerate(numerical_covariates): cname = mod.columns[nC] sys.stderr.write("\t{0}\n".format(cname)) design[cname] = mod[mod.columns[nC]] sys.stderr.write("found %i categorical variables:" % len(other_cols)) sys.stderr.write("\t" + ", ".join(other_cols) + '\n') return design
[docs]def combat(data, batch, model=None, numerical_covariates=None): """Correct for batch effects in a dataset Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame A (n_features, n_samples) dataframe of the expression or methylation data to batch correct batch : List-like A column corresponding to the batches in the data, in the same order as the samples in ``data`` model : patsy.design_info.DesignMatrix, optional A model matrix describing metadata on the samples which could be causing batch effects. If not provided, then will attempt to coarsely correct just from the information provided in ``batch`` numerical_covariates : list-like List of covariates in the model which are numerical, rather than categorical Returns ------- corrected : pandas.DataFrame A (n_features, n_samples) dataframe of the batch-corrected data """ if isinstance(numerical_covariates, str): numerical_covariates = [numerical_covariates] if numerical_covariates is None: numerical_covariates = [] if model is not None and isinstance(model, pd.DataFrame): model["batch"] = list(batch) else: model = pd.DataFrame({'batch': batch}) batch_items = model.groupby("batch").groups.items() batch_levels = [k for k, v in batch_items] batch_info = [v for k, v in batch_items] n_batch = len(batch_info) n_batches = np.array([len(v) for v in batch_info]) n_array = float(sum(n_batches)) # drop intercept drop_cols = [cname for cname, inter in ((model == 1).all()).iterkv() if inter == True] drop_idxs = [list(model.columns).index(cdrop) for cdrop in drop_cols] model = model[[c for c in model.columns if not c in drop_cols]] numerical_covariates = [list(model.columns).index(c) if isinstance(c, str) else c for c in numerical_covariates if not c in drop_cols] design = design_mat(model, numerical_covariates, batch_levels) sys.stderr.write("Standardizing Data across genes.\n") B_hat =, design)), design.T), data.T) grand_mean = / n_array).T, B_hat[:n_batch,:]) var_pooled = -, B_hat).T)**2), np.ones((n_array, 1)) / n_array) stand_mean =, 1)), np.ones((1, n_array))) tmp = np.array(design.copy()) tmp[:,:n_batch] = 0 stand_mean +=, B_hat).T s_data = ((data - stand_mean) /, np.ones((1, n_array)))) sys.stderr.write("Fitting L/S model and finding priors\n") batch_design = design[design.columns[:n_batch]] gamma_hat =, batch_design)), batch_design.T), s_data.T) delta_hat = [] for i, batch_idxs in enumerate(batch_info): #batches = [list(model.columns).index(b) for b in batches] delta_hat.append(s_data[batch_idxs].var(axis=1)) gamma_bar = gamma_hat.mean(axis=1) t2 = gamma_hat.var(axis=1) a_prior = list(map(aprior, delta_hat)) b_prior = list(map(bprior, delta_hat)) sys.stderr.write("Finding parametric adjustments\n") gamma_star, delta_star = [], [] for i, batch_idxs in enumerate(batch_info): #print '18 20 22 28 29 31 32 33 35 40 46' #print batch_info[batch_id] temp = it_sol(s_data[batch_idxs], gamma_hat[i], delta_hat[i], gamma_bar[i], t2[i], a_prior[i], b_prior[i]) gamma_star.append(temp[0]) delta_star.append(temp[1]) sys.stdout.write("Adjusting data\n") bayesdata = s_data gamma_star = np.array(gamma_star) delta_star = np.array(delta_star) for j, batch_idxs in enumerate(batch_info): dsq = np.sqrt(delta_star[j,:]) dsq = dsq.reshape((len(dsq), 1)) denom =, np.ones((1, n_batches[j]))) numer = np.array(bayesdata[batch_idxs] -[batch_idxs], gamma_star).T) bayesdata[batch_idxs] = numer / denom vpsq = np.sqrt(var_pooled).reshape((len(var_pooled), 1)) bayesdata = bayesdata *, np.ones((1, n_array))) + stand_mean return bayesdata
[docs]def it_sol(sdat, g_hat, d_hat, g_bar, t2, a, b, conv=0.0001): n = (1 - np.isnan(sdat)).sum(axis=1) g_old = g_hat.copy() d_old = d_hat.copy() change = 1 count = 0 while change > conv: #print g_hat.shape, g_bar.shape, t2.shape g_new = postmean(g_hat, g_bar, n, d_old, t2) sum2 = ((sdat -[0], 1)), np.ones((1, sdat.shape[1])))) ** 2).sum(axis=1) d_new = postvar(sum2, n, a, b) change = max((abs(g_new - g_old) / g_old).max(), (abs(d_new - d_old) / d_old).max()) g_old = g_new #.copy() d_old = d_new #.copy() count = count + 1 adjust = (g_new, d_new) return adjust
[docs]def aprior(gamma_hat): m = gamma_hat.mean() s2 = gamma_hat.var() return (2 * s2 +m**2) / s2
[docs]def bprior(gamma_hat): m = gamma_hat.mean() s2 = gamma_hat.var() return (m*s2+m**3)/s2
[docs]def postmean(g_hat, g_bar, n, d_star, t2): return (t2*n*g_hat+d_star * g_bar) / (t2*n+d_star)
[docs]def postvar(sum2, n, a, b): return (0.5 * sum2 + b) / (n / 2.0 + a - 1.0)
if __name__ == "__main__": # NOTE: run this first to get the bladder batch stuff written to files. """ source("") biocLite("sva") library("sva") options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) library(bladderbatch) data(bladderdata) pheno = pData(bladderEset) # add fake age variable for numeric pheno$age = c(1:7, rep(1:10, 5)) write.table(data.frame(cel=rownames(pheno), pheno), row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t", file="bladder-pheno.txt") edata = exprs(bladderEset) write.table(edata, row.names=T, quote=F, sep="\t", file="bladder-expr.txt") # use dataframe instead of matrix mod = model.matrix(~as.factor(cancer) + age, data=pheno) t = Sys.time() cdata = ComBat(dat=edata, batch=as.factor(pheno$batch), mod=mod, numCov=match("age", colnames(mod))) print(Sys.time() - t) print(cdata[1:5, 1:5]) write.table(cdata, row.names=True, quote=F, sep="\t", file="r-batch.txt") """ pheno = pd.read_table('bladder-pheno.txt', index_col=0) dat = pd.read_table('bladder-expr.txt', index_col=0) mod = patsy.dmatrix("~ age + cancer", pheno, return_type="dataframe") import time t = time.time() ebat = combat(dat, pheno.batch, mod, "age") sys.stdout.write("%.2f seconds\n" % (time.time() - t)) sys.stdout.write(str(ebat.ix[:5, :5])) ebat.to_csv("py-batch.txt", sep="\t") mod = False ebat = combat(dat, pheno.batch, mod)
Olga B. Botvinnik is funded by the NDSEG fellowship and is a NumFOCUS John Hunter Technology Fellow.
Michael T. Lovci was partially funded by a fellowship from Genentech.
Partially funded by NIH grants NS075449 and HG004659 and CIRM grants RB4-06045 and TR3-05676 to Gene Yeo.