Source code for flotilla.test.conftest

This file will be auto-imported for every testing session, so you can use
these objects and functions across test files.
from collections import defaultdict
import os

import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import seaborn as sns

[docs]def data_dir(): return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'example_data')
[docs]def RANDOM_STATE(): """Consistent random state""" return 0
[docs]def n_samples(): """Number of samples to create example data from""" return 30
[docs]def samples(n_samples): """Sample ids""" return ['sample_{}'.format(i + 1) for i in np.arange(n_samples)]
[docs]def technical_outliers(n_samples, samples): """If request.param is True, return randomly chosen samples as technical outliers, otherwise None""" return np.random.choice(samples, size=np.random.randint(1, int(n_samples / 10.)), replace=False)
[docs]def pooled(request, n_samples, samples): """If request.param is True, return randomly chosen samples as pooled, otherwise None""" return np.random.choice(samples, size=np.random.randint(1, int(n_samples / 10.)), replace=False)
[docs]def outliers(request, n_samples, samples): """If request.param is True, return randomly chosen samples as outliers, otherwise None""" return np.random.choice(samples, size=np.random.randint(1, int(n_samples / 10.)), replace=False)
[docs]def n_groups(): """Number of phenotype groups.""" return 2 # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def n_groups_fixed(): # """Fixed number of phenotype groups (3)""" # return 3
[docs]def groups(n_groups): """Phenotype group names""" return ['group{}'.format(i + 1) for i in np.arange(n_groups)] # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def groups_fixed(n_groups_fixed): # """Phenotype group names""" # return ['group{}'.format(i + 1) for i in np.arange(n_groups_fixed)]
[docs]def group_order(groups): """so-called 'logical' order of groups for plotting. To test if the user gave a specific order of the phenotypes, e.g. by differentiation time """ return np.random.permutation(groups) # # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def group_order_fixed(groups_fixed): # """so-called 'logical' order of groups for plotting. # # To test if the user gave a specific order of the phenotypes, e.g. # by differentiation time # """ # return np.random.permutation(groups_fixed)
[docs]def colors(n_groups): """Colors to use for the samples""" return map(mpl.colors.rgb2hex, sns.color_palette('husl', n_colors=n_groups)) # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def colors_fixed(n_groups_fixed): # """Colors to use for the samples""" # return map(mpl.colors.rgb2hex, # sns.color_palette('husl', n_colors=n_groups_fixed))
[docs]def group_to_color(group_order, colors): """Mapping of groups to colors""" return dict(zip(group_order, colors)) # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def group_to_color_fixed(group_order_fixed, colors_fixed): # """Mapping of groups to colors""" # return dict(zip(group_order_fixed, colors_fixed))
[docs]def color_ordered(group_order, group_to_color): """Colors in the order created by the groups""" return [group_to_color[g] for g in group_order] # # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def color_ordered_fixed(group_order_fixed, group_to_color_fixed): # """Colors in the order created by the groups""" # return [group_to_color_fixed[g] for g in group_order_fixed]
[docs]def group_to_marker(request): """Mapping of groups to plotting markers""" marker_iter = iter(list('ov^<>8sp*hHDd')) return defaultdict(lambda:
[docs]def group_transitions(group_order): """List of pairwise transitions between phenotypes, for NMF""" return zip(group_order[:-1], group_order[1:]) # # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def group_transitions_fixed(group_order_fixed): # """List of pairwise transitions between phenotypes, for NMF""" # return zip(group_order_fixed[:-1], group_order_fixed[1:]) # @pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=['phenotype', 'group']) # def metadata_phenotype_col(request): # """Which column in the metadata specifies the phenotype""" # return request.param
[docs]def groupby(groups, samples): return dict((sample, np.random.choice(groups)) for sample in samples)
[docs]def metadata_data(groupby, samples, n_samples): df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples) df['phenotype'] = x: groupby[x]) df['subset1'] = np.random.choice([True, False], size=n_samples) return df # # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def metadata_data_groups_fixed(groupby_fixed, outliers, pooled, samples, # n_samples, # metadata_phenotype_col): # df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples) # if outliers is not None: # df['outlier'] = df.index.isin(outliers) # if pooled is not None: # df['pooled'] = df.index.isin(pooled) # df[metadata_phenotype_col] = x: groupby_fixed[x]) # df['subset1'] = np.random.choice([True, False], size=n_samples) # return df
[docs]def metadata_kws(group_order, group_to_color, group_to_marker): kws = {} # if metadata_phenotype_col != 'phenotype': # kws['phenotype_col'] = metadata_phenotype_col kws['phenotype_order'] = group_order kws['phenotype_to_color'] = group_to_color kws['phenotype_to_marker'] = group_to_marker return kws # # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def metadata_kws_fixed(metadata_phenotype_col, group_order_fixed, # group_to_color_fixed): # kws = {} # if metadata_phenotype_col != 'phenotype': # kws['phenotype_col'] = metadata_phenotype_col # kws['phenotype_order'] = group_order_fixed # kws['phenotype_to_color'] = group_to_color_fixed # kws['phenotype_to_marker'] = defaultdict(lambda: 'o') # return kws
[docs]def mapping_stats_number_mapped_col(): return 'mapped_reads'
[docs]def mapping_stats_min_reads_default(): return 5e5
[docs]def mapping_stats_kws(mapping_stats_number_mapped_col): kws = {'number_mapped_col': mapping_stats_number_mapped_col} # if request.param is not None: # kws['min_reads'] = 1e6 return kws
[docs]def mapping_stats_data(samples, technical_outliers, mapping_stats_min_reads_default, mapping_stats_number_mapped_col): df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples) df[mapping_stats_number_mapped_col] = 2 * mapping_stats_min_reads_default if technical_outliers is not None: df.ix[technical_outliers, mapping_stats_number_mapped_col] = \ .5 * mapping_stats_min_reads_default return df
[docs]def n_genes(): return 50
[docs]def genes(n_genes): return ['gene_{}'.format(i + 1) for i in np.arange(n_genes)]
[docs]def n_events(): return 100
[docs]def events(n_events): return ['event_{}'.format(i + 1) for i in np.arange(n_events)]
[docs]def modality_models(): parameter = 20. rv_included = stats.beta(parameter, 1) rv_excluded = stats.beta(1, parameter) rv_middle = stats.beta(parameter, parameter) rv_uniform = stats.uniform(0, 1) rv_bimodal = stats.beta(1. / parameter, 1. / parameter) models = {'included': rv_included, 'excluded': rv_excluded, 'middle': rv_middle, 'uniform': rv_uniform, 'bimodal': rv_bimodal} return models
@pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=[0., 0.5], ids=['na_thresh0', 'na_thresh5'])
[docs]def na_thresh(request): return request.param
[docs]def gene_name(): return 'gene_name'
[docs]def event_name(): return 'event_name'
[docs]def gene_categories(): return list('ABCDE')
[docs]def boolean_gene_categories(): return list('WXYZ') # @pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=[False, True]) # def pooled(request): # return request.param # # @pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=[False, True]) # def outlier(request): # return request.param
@pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=[False, True], ids=['renamed', 'not_renamed'])
[docs]def renamed(request): return request.param
[docs]def expression_data(samples, genes, groupby, na_thresh): df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples, columns=genes) def dataframe_maker(df): data = np.vstack([ np.random.lognormal(np.random.uniform(0, 5), np.random.uniform(0, 2), df.shape[0]) for _ in df.columns]).T return pd.DataFrame(data, index=df.index, columns=df.columns) df = pd.concat([dataframe_maker(d) for name, d in df.groupby(groupby)], axis=0).sort_index() if na_thresh > 0: df = df.apply(lambda x: lambda i: i if np.random.uniform() > np.random.uniform(0, na_thresh) else np.nan), axis=1) return df
[docs]def expression_data_no_na(samples, genes, groupby): df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples, columns=genes) def dataframe_maker(df): data = np.vstack([ np.random.lognormal(np.random.uniform(0, 5), np.random.uniform(0, 2), df.shape[0]) for _ in df.columns]).T return pd.DataFrame(data, index=df.index, columns=df.columns) df = pd.concat([dataframe_maker(d) for name, d in df.groupby(groupby)], axis=0).sort_index() return df
[docs]def expression_feature_data(genes, gene_categories, boolean_gene_categories, renamed): df = pd.DataFrame(index=genes) if renamed: df['renamed'] = x: x.replace('gene', 'renamed')) df['gene_category'] = x: np.random.choice(gene_categories)) for category in boolean_gene_categories: p = np.random.uniform() df[category] = np.random.choice([True, False], size=df.shape[0], p=[p, 1 - p]) return df
[docs]def expression_feature_rename_col(renamed): if renamed: return 'renamed' else: return None
[docs]def expression_log_base(): return 2
[docs]def expression_plus_one(): return True
[docs]def expression_thresh(request): return 2
[docs]def expression_kws(expression_feature_data, expression_feature_rename_col, expression_log_base, expression_plus_one, expression_thresh): kws = {} kws['feature_data'] = expression_feature_data kws['feature_rename_col'] = expression_feature_rename_col kws['log_base'] = expression_log_base kws['plus_one'] = expression_plus_one kws['thresh'] = expression_thresh return kws
[docs]def true_modalities(events, modality_models, groups): data = dict((e, dict((g, (np.random.choice(modality_models.keys()))) for g in groups)) for e in events) return pd.DataFrame(data) # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def true_modalities_fixed(events, modality_models, groups_fixed): # data = dict((e, dict((g, (np.random.choice(modality_models.keys()))) # for g in groups_fixed)) for e in events) # return pd.DataFrame(data)
[docs]def splicing_data(samples, events, true_modalities, modality_models, groupby): df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples, columns=events) def dataframe_maker(group, true_modalities, modality_models, df): data = np.vstack([modality_models[modality].rvs(df.shape[0]) for modality in true_modalities.ix[group]]).T return pd.DataFrame(data, index=df.index, columns=df.columns) df = pd.concat([dataframe_maker(group, true_modalities, modality_models, d) for group, d in df.groupby(groupby)], axis=0) # randomly add NA since all splicing data has NAs na_thresh = 0.2 df = df.apply(lambda x: lambda i: i if np.random.uniform() > np.random.uniform(0, na_thresh) else np.nan), axis=1) def randomly_add_na(x, na_thresh): if np.random.uniform() > np.random.uniform(0, na_thresh / 10): return x else: return pd.Series(np.nan, index=x.index) df = pd.concat([d.apply(randomly_add_na, na_thresh=na_thresh, axis=1) for group, d in df.groupby(groupby)], axis=0) return df.sort_index() # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def splicing_data_fixed(samples, events, true_modalities_fixed, # modality_models, # groupby_fixed): # df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples, columns=events) # # def dataframe_maker(group, true_modalities, modality_models, df): # data = np.vstack([modality_models[modality].rvs(df.shape[0]) # for modality in true_modalities.ix[group]]).T # return pd.DataFrame(data, index=df.index, columns=df.columns) # # df = pd.concat([dataframe_maker(group, true_modalities_fixed, # modality_models, df) # for group, df in df.groupby(groupby_fixed)], axis=0) # df = df.apply(lambda x: # lambda i: i if np.random.uniform() > np.random.uniform() # else np.nan), axis=1) # # def randomly_add_na(x): # if np.random.uniform() > np.random.uniform(0, .1): # return x # else: # return pd.Series(np.nan, index=x.index) # # df = pd.concat([d.apply(randomly_add_na, axis=1) # for group, d in # df.groupby(groupby_fixed)], axis=0) # return df.sort_index() # # @pytest.fixture(scope='module') # def splicing_data_no_na(samples, events, # true_modalities, modality_models, groupby): # df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples, columns=events) # # def dataframe_maker(group, true_modalities, modality_models, df): # data = np.vstack([modality_models[modality].rvs(df.shape[0]) # for modality in true_modalities.ix[group]]).T # return pd.DataFrame(data, index=df.index, columns=df.columns) # # df = pd.concat([dataframe_maker(group, true_modalities, # modality_models, df) # for group, df in df.groupby(groupby)], axis=0) # return df.sort_index()
[docs]def splicing_feature_data(events, genes, gene_name, expression_feature_data, splicing_feature_common_id): df = pd.DataFrame(index=events) df[gene_name] = x: np.random.choice(genes)) df = df.join(expression_feature_data, on=splicing_feature_common_id) return df
[docs]def splicing_feature_common_id(gene_name): return gene_name
[docs]def splicing_kws(splicing_feature_data, splicing_feature_common_id, gene_name): return {'feature_data': splicing_feature_data, 'feature_rename_col': gene_name, 'feature_expression_id_col': splicing_feature_common_id}
[docs]def genelist_path(data_dir): return '{}/example_gene_list.txt'.format(data_dir)
@pytest.fixture(scope='module') @pytest.fixture(params=['local', 'dropbox']) @pytest.fixture(scope='module')
[docs]def x_norm(): """Normally distributed numpy array""" n_samples = 20 n_features = 50 x = np.random.randn(n_samples * n_features) x = x.reshape(n_samples, n_features) return x
[docs]def df_norm(x_norm): """Normally distributed pandas dataframe""" nrow, ncol = x_norm.shape index = ['sample_{0:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(nrow)] columns = ['feature_{0:04d}'.format(i) for i in range(ncol)] df = pd.DataFrame(x_norm, index=index, columns=columns) return df
[docs]def df_nonneg(df_norm): """Non-negative data for testing NMF""" return df_norm.abs()
@pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=[0, 5])
[docs]def metadata_minimum_samples(request): return request.param
@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
[docs]def featurewise(request): return request.param
[docs]def base_data(expression_data): from flotilla.data_model.base import BaseData return BaseData(expression_data)
@pytest.fixture(params=[None, 'half', 'all'], scope='module')
[docs]def sample_ids(request, base_data): if request.param is None: return request.param elif request.param == 'some': half =[0] / 2 return[:half] elif request.param == 'all': return
@pytest.fixture(params=[None, 'half', 'all'], scope='module')
[docs]def feature_ids(request, base_data): if request.param is None: return request.param elif request.param == 'some': half =[1] / 2 return[:half] elif request.param == 'all': return
@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False], scope='module')
[docs]def standardize(request): return request.param
@pytest.fixture(params=['subset1', None, 'phenotype: group1', '~subset1', 'ids'], scope='module')
[docs]def sample_subset(request, samples): if request.param == 'ids': return samples[:10] else: return request.param
@pytest.fixture( params=[None, 'all', 'gene_category: A', 'W', pytest.mark.xfail('asdf')], ids=['none', 'all_features', 'categorical_gene_category', 'boolean_gene_category', 'nonexistent_gene_category'], scope='module')
[docs]def feature_subset(request): return request.param
[docs]def splicing(splicing_data): from flotilla.data_model.splicing import SplicingData return SplicingData(splicing_data)
[docs]def gene_ontology_data_path(data_dir): return '{}/human_grch38_chr22_gene_ontology.txt'.format(data_dir)
[docs]def gene_ontology_data(gene_ontology_data_path): return pd.read_table(gene_ontology_data_path)
Olga B. Botvinnik is funded by the NDSEG fellowship and is a NumFOCUS John Hunter Technology Fellow.
Michael T. Lovci was partially funded by a fellowship from Genentech.
Partially funded by NIH grants NS075449 and HG004659 and CIRM grants RB4-06045 and TR3-05676 to Gene Yeo.