Perform various dimensionality reduction algorithms on data
Bases: flotilla.compute.decomposition.DataFrameReducerBase, sklearn.decomposition.fastica_.FastICA
Perform Independent Comopnent Analysis on a DataFrame
Initialize and fit a dataframe to a decomposition algorithm
Parameters: | df : pandas.DataFrame
n_components : int
kwargs : keyword arguments
Bases: flotilla.compute.decomposition.DataFrameReducerBase, sklearn.decomposition.nmf.NMF
Perform Non-Negative Matrix Factorization on a DataFrame
Bases: flotilla.compute.decomposition.DataFrameReducerBase, sklearn.decomposition.pca.PCA
Perform Principal Components Analaysis on a DataFrame
Initialize and fit a dataframe to a decomposition algorithm
Parameters: | df : pandas.DataFrame
n_components : int
kwargs : keyword arguments
Bases: object
Just like scikit-learn’s reducers, but with prettied up DataFrames.
Initialize and fit a dataframe to a decomposition algorithm
Parameters: | df : pandas.DataFrame
n_components : int
kwargs : keyword arguments
Perform a scikit-learn fit and relabel dimensions to be informative names
Parameters: | X : pandas.DataFrame
Returns: | self : DataFrameReducerBase
Perform both a fit and a transform on the input data
Fit the data to the reduction algorithm, and transform the data to the reduced space.
Parameters: | X : pandas.DataFrame
Returns: | self : DataFrameReducerBase
Raises: | ValueError
Given a list of integers, change the name to be a 1-based principal component representation
Transform a matrix into the compoment space
Parameters: | X : pandas.DataFrame
Returns: | component_space : pandas.DataFrame
Bases: flotilla.compute.decomposition.DataFrameReducerBase
Perform t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding on a DataFrame
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Initialize and fit a dataframe to a decomposition algorithm
Parameters: | df : pandas.DataFrame
n_components : int
kwargs : keyword arguments
Perform both a fit and a transform on the input data
Fit the data to the reduction algorithm, and transform the data to the reduced space.
Parameters: | X : pandas.DataFrame
Returns: | self : DataFrameReducerBase
Raises: | ValueError