John Williams

Staff Bioinformatics Analyst Alumni
jwilliams at


B.S. Computer Science, University of North Carolina, 2016.


John received his BS in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2016. As an undergraduate, he began his bioinformatics career as an intern in NC State’s Plant Pathways Elucidation Project, where he worked under Dr. Jessica Schlueter on the assembly and annotation of the hexaploid oat genome. His work at NC State garnered the attention of Dr. Daniel Janies, and as a member of the Janies lab, he was tasked with developing web applications for querying scorpion venom and echinoderm transcriptome databases.

After a brief stint in private industry developing EHR software, he returned to UNC Charlotte as a Research Engineer to work with Dr. Janies on a Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) grant to develop applications for their Biosurveillance Ecosystem. Under the direction of PI Dr. Umit Catalyurek at Georgia Tech, he was the lead developer of a suite of applications that leveraged pathogen genomes for disease surveillance using ancestral state reconstruction, phylogeography, and pathogen metadata network visualizations.

John is currently working on enhancing the CRED Portal for the U19 metadata database initiative. His research interests include visual analytics, network theory, and the genetic mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance.


  • Linchangco Jr, Gregorio V., et al. “The phylogeny of extant starfish (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) including Xyloplax, based on comparative transcriptomics.” Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 115 (2017): 161-170. [Link]

  • SantibaěnŢez-Loěpez, Carlos E., et al. “Integration of phylogenomics and molecular modeling reveals lineage-specific diversification of toxins in scorpions.” PeerJ 6 (2018): e5902.