Krysten Jones
Research Associate I
k4jones at health.ucsd.edu
M.S. in Biological Sciences (Specialization in Regenerative Medicine), California Polytechnic State University, SLO 2019 B.S. in Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, SLO 2014
Krysten received her bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Anatomy and Physiology at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) in 2014. She is currently participating in the Regenerative Medicine program also at Cal Poly as a Biological Sciences MS candidate. During her time at Cal Poly, she worked in the lab of Sandra Clement, PhD researching protein-protein associations of RNA binding protein Tristetraprolin (TTP) aka zinc finger protein 36 homolog (ZFP36). Krysten is currently working with Josh on the COPACABANA project creating isogenic autism disease lines and analyzing them via 2D and 3D methods.
Schwartz JL, Jones KL, Yeo GW. 2020. Repeat RNA expansion disorders of the nervous system: post-transcriptional mechanisms and therapeutic strategies. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.