Margaret Burns
Graduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
mcburns at ucsd.edu
B.S. Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Michigan 2015
Margaret is a PhD student in the Biomedical Sciences Program at UC San Diego. She graduated from the University of Michigan in Cellular and Molecular Biology with a Minor in Complex Systems 2015. During her undergraduate degree, Margaret worked in Dr. Sarah Veatch’s lab developing an Ising model in MATLAB to perform simulations of Spot Variation Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. She also wrote her senior thesis on a project to create Giant Plasma Membrane Vesicles from a zebrafish cell line and study the effect of growth temperature on the transition temperature of the membranes. After graduation, Margaret did a postbaccalaureate fellowship at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. There she worked in Dr. Brant Weinstein’s laboratory on several projects to study the genetic basis of blood vessel development in zebrafish. As a graduate student in the Yeo Lab, Margaret is broadly interested in studying how cells respond to conditions of stress. She is focusing on how the formation of stress granules in cancer cells leads to chemotherapy resistance, and how RNA modifications affect stress signaling. Outside of the lab, she enjoys surfing, hiking, painting, and drinking coffee.
Margaret C. Burns, Kathleen C. Wisser, Jing Wu, Ilya Levental, and Sarah Veatch. Miscibility transition temperature scales with growth temperature in a zebrafish cell line. Biophysical Journal. 2017 Sep 19;113:1-11.
Margaret C. Burns, Mariam Nouri and Sarah L. Veatch. Spot size variation FCS in simulations of the 2D Ising model. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 49, Number 21.
Ronald D. Chervin, MD, MS; Deborah L. Ruzicka, RN, PhD; Arshia Vahabzadeh, BS, CFPH; Margaret C. Burns; Joseph W. Burns, PhD; Steven R. Buchman, MD. The Face of Sleepiness: Improvement in Appearance after Treatment of Sleep Apnea. J Clin Sleep Med. 2013 Sep 15;9(9):845-52.