Mark Fang
Graduate Student
UCSD School of Medicine
mfang at ucsd.edu
BS/BS degrees in Biology and Mathematical & Computational Sciences from Stanford University
Mark is a Medical Scientist Training Program/MD-PhD student at UCSD School of Medicine and will complete thesis work in the Yeo Lab for the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. Prior to joining UCSD, Mark received BS/BS degrees in Biology and Mathematical & Computational Sciences from Stanford University. As an undergraduate in the Helms Lab, Mark developed a liposomal Wnt protein therapeutic to enhance stem cell mediated wound regeneration, and with the Stanford iGEM team, bioengineered a synthetic gene circuit in E coli to enable the probiotic to combat Crohn’s Disease.
Mark is currently designing a high throughput genetic and small molecule screen to study the mechanisms underlying Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to identify potential therapeutics. Mark is also interested in developing new tools for single cell sequencing and studying the RNA interactome. He hopes to harness the great advances made in sequencing to generate the raw data needed for predictive mathematical models in bioengineering, stem cell technologies, and clinical challenges such as cancer metastasis and pathogen drug resistance.
Mark is very grateful for the opportunity to be in lovely San Diego for 8 years and enjoys running, mountaineering/rock climbing, drawing, and watching the sunset.
Markmiller S, Soltanieh S, Server KL, Mak R, Jin W, Fang MY, Luo E-C, Krach F, Yang D, Sen A, Fulzele A, Wozniak J, Gonzalez DJ, Kankel MW, Gao F-B, Bennet EJ, Lecuyer E, Yeo GW. Context-dependent and disease-specific diversity in protein interactions within Stress Granules. Cell, 2018
Nelles DA, Fang MY, O’Connell MR, Xu JL, Markmiller SJ, Doudna JA, Yeo GW. Programmable RNA Tracking in Live Cells with CRISPR/Cas9. 2016. Cell, S0092-8674(16)30204-5.
Nelles DA, Fang MY, Aigner S, Yeo GW. Applications of Cas9 as an RNA-programmed RNA binding protein. 2015. Bioessays., Jul;37(7):732-9.
Van Nostrand EL, Pratt GA, Shishkin AA, Gelboin-Burkhart C, Fang MY, Sundararaman B, Blue SM, Nguyen TB, Surka C, Elkins K, Stanton R, Rigo F, Guttman M, Yeo GW. 2016. Robust transcriptome-wide discovery of RNA-binding protein binding sites with enhanced CLIP (eCLIP). Nat Methods.