Noorsher Ahmed
Graduate Student
Biomedical Sciences
noa001 at ucsd.edu
B.A. Biophysics, Occidental College 2017
Noorsher is a PhD student in the Biomedical Sciences Program (BMS) at UC San Diego. He reveived a B.A. in Biophysics from Occidental College in 2017. During his undergraduate tenure, he worked in the laboratory of Dr. Adam Abate at UCSF where he designed novel microfluidic platforms and techniques to democratize access to the powerful technology. He also aided in the development of SiC-seq, a high-throughput single-cell sequencing platform aimed at improving metagenomics. His work in the Abate lab piqued Noorsher’s interest in developing and utilizing powerful single-cell technologies that allowed the scientific community to probe increasingly more complex and nuanced questions.
As a BMS student in the Yeo Lab, Noorsher is broadly interested in the role RNA transport plays in synaptic plasticity in the context of neurodegenerative disease. To this end, he is levaraging recent advancements in imaging and artificial intelligence to probe gene expression in neural tissues.
Outside of the lab, Noorsher enjoys outdoor activities including surfing, SCUBA diving, hiking and bathing in the San Diego sunlight.
Wheeler EC §, Vu A §, Einstein JM, DiSalvo M, Ahmed N, Van Nostrand EL, Shiskin AA, Jin W, Allbrighton NL, Yeo GW. Pooled CRISPR screens with image-based phenotyping on microRaft arrays reveals stress granule-regulatory factors. Nature Methods, 2020. (§ co-first author)