Samuel S. Park
Research Associate II
Bioengineering: Biotechnology
s8park at ucsd.edu
B.S. Bioengineering: Biotechnology, University of California, San Diego, 2019
A.S. Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Glendale Community College, 2017
As a Bioengineering undergrad at UCSD, Samuel’s main research experience took place at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) where he help to create an inducible and reversible knock out library using the dCAS/CRISPRi technology on JCVI’s own “Synthetic Cell,” JCVI-syn3.0a, who genome consists of only essential genes. He also spent a brief period of time in Dr. Integlietta’s lab, co-founder of UCSD’s Bioengineering program. There he identifiedthat the Transparent Access Chamber implanted on the back of Syrian Hamsters, used to visualize the effect of synthetic blood component candidates on blood flow, was significantly lowering the lifespan of the hamsters. A smaller, less invasive model was explored.
Currently in the Yeo Lab, Samuel is working on the validation of a novel RBP identification algorithm, studying the Host-Virus RNA-protein interactome of SARS-COV-2, developing a protocol to study the m6a specific epigenome, and advancing the ENCODE project into the next generation.
Samuels future research interests lies in the RNA-crosstalk that happens within the human gut microbiome between host-microbes. He plans on studying the molecular mechanisms within microbes with the hopes of developing therapeutics from or for our microbial life partners.
Wheeler EC, Vora S, Mayer D, Kotini AG, Olszewska M, Park SS, Guccione E, Teruya-Feldstein J, Silverman L, Sunahara R, Yeo GW, Papapetrou EP. Integrative RNA-omics discovers GNAS alternative splicing as a phenotypic driver of splicing factor-mutant neoplasms. Cancer Discovery, Oct. 7 2021.
Okholm TLH, Sathe S, Park SS, Kamstrup AB, Rasmussen AM, Shankar A, Chua ZM, Fristrup N, Nielsen MM, Vang S, Dyrskjor L, Aigner S, Damgaard CK, Yeo GW, Pedersen JS. Transcriptome-wide profiles of circular RNA and RNA-binding protein interactions review effects on circular RNA biogenesis and cancer pathway expression. Genome Medicine, 2020.
Van Nostrand EL, Pratt GA, Yee BA, Wheeler E, Blue SM, Mueller J, Park SS, Garcia KE, Gelboin-Burkhart C, Nguyen TB, Rabano I, Stanton R, Sundararaman B, Wang R, Fu X-D, Graveley BR, Yeo GW. Principles of RNA processing from analysis of enhanced CLIP maps for 150 RNA binding proteins. Genome Biology, 2020.