Wenhao Jin
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
w2jin at ucsd dot edu
Ph.D. Bioinformatics, National University of Singapore, 2018
B.S. Bioinformatics, Zhejiang University, 2014
Wenhao received his B.S. in Bioinformatics from Zhejiang University in 2014. As an undergraduate with Dr. Chen Xin, he worked on next-generation sequencing data analysis and equipped himself with machine learning skill set as well. Wenhao also spent time working in Dr. Du Jizeng’s lab to understand the roles of phosphorylation of APQ4 in cerebral edema. After graduating, Wenhao joined Dr. Gene Yeo’s lab at National University of Singapore to pursue a PhD, where he developed a machine learning approach to recognize RNA-binding proteins with high sensitivity and specificity. This approach leverages the information from protein-protein interaction network and protein sequences and is further demonstrated to have fair predictive power for more specific RNA-binding information (i.e. RNA-binding domains or regions) without explicit training data. Now as a member in the Yeo Lab at UCSD, Wenhao is interested in combining machine learning and statistical techniques with large biomedical dataset to interrogate important biological patterns underpinning human diseases.
Boland B, He ZR, Tsai MS, Olvera JG, Omilusik K, Duong H, Kim E, Limary A, Jin W, Milner JJ, Yu BF, Patel S, Tiani L, Tysl T, Kurd N, Bortnick A, Quezada L, Kanbar J, Miralles A, Huylebroeck D, Valasek MA, Dulai P, Singh S, Lu LF, Bui J, Murre C, Sandborn WJ, Goldrath AW, Yeo GW §, Chang JT §. Heterogeneity and clonal relationships of adaptive immune cells in ulcerative colitis revealed by single-cell analyses. Science Immunology, 2020.
Wheeler EC §, Vu A §, Einstein JM, DiSalvo M, Ahmed N, Van Nostrand EL, Shiskin AA, Jin W, Allbrighton NL, Yeo GW. Pooled CRISPR screens with image-based phenotyping on microRaft arrays reveals stress granule-regulatory factors. Nature Methods, 2020. (§ co-first author)
Markmiller S, Soltanieh S, Server KL, Mak R, Jin W, …, Yeo GW. Context-dependent and disease-specific diversity in protein interactions within stress granules. Cell. 2018 Jan 25;172(3):590-604.
Huang H, Kapeli K, Jin W, Wong YP, Arumugam TV, …, Soong TW. Tissue-selective restriction of RNA editing of CaV1. 3 by splicing factor SRSF9. Nucleic acids research. 2018 May 4;46(14):7323-38.
Brannan KW §, Jin W §, Huelga SC §, Banks CA, Gilmore JM, …, Yeo GW. SONAR discovers RNA-binding proteins from analysis of large-scale protein-protein interactomes. Molecular cell. 2016 Oct 20;64(2):282-93. (§ co-first author )
Verma SK, Deshmukh V, Nutter CA, Jaworski E, Jin W, …, Kuyumcu-Martinez NM. Rbfox2 function in RNA metabolism is impaired in hypoplastic left heart syndrome patient hearts. Scientific reports. 2016 Aug 3;6:30896.