Zong Ming
Research Associate I
zmchua at ucsd.edu
B.S. Biochemistry & Cell Biology, UC San Diego, 2018
B.A. Music, UC San Diego, 2018
During his undergrad, Zong Ming was a member of Nicholas C. Spitzer’s lab at UC San Diego where he studied the phenomenon of neurotransmitter switching under post-doc Swetha Godavarthi. In the Spitzer lab, Zong Ming helped with the investigation of how the introduction of postsynaptic GABA and glutamate receptors induced the phenomenon of neurotransmitter switching in X. Laevis, as well as with the study of neurotransmitter switching from glutamate to GABA via poly (I:C) and VPA injections in mice to produce autistic behavior. Zong Ming was also an intern in the lab of Walter Hunziker in Singapore’s IMCB where he investigated the onset of liver cirrhosis through the introduction of a choline deficient diet in ZO-1 and ZO-2 KO mice. Post-graduation, Zong Ming has joined the Yeo lab to help with work on the ENCODE project to characterise the binding profiles of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs)
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