Olga Botvinnik
Graduate Student
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
NDSEG Fellow
obotvinn at ucsd.edu
M.S., Bioinformatics, UC Santa Cruz, 2012
S.B., Biological Engineering, MIT, 2010
S.B., Mathematics, MIT, 2010
Olga Botvinnik is a Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Ph.D. student at University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Previously, she earned two S.B. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Mathematics and Biological Engineering while participating in a variety of research experiences in Prof. Martha Bulyk, Dr. Sean Eddy, Prof. David Gifford and Prof. Sebastian Seung’s labs. After graduating MIT, Olga worked at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA with Dr. Jill Mesirov and developed an algorithm to find alternative activators in cancer. She then attended the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she created a single-cell RNA-sequencing differential expression analysis pipeline in Prof. Nader Pourmand’s laboratory. As a graduate student at UCSD, and is interested in the genomics and transcriptomics of single cells, especially in the heterogeneous populations of cancer, neuroscience and development. Olga is funded by the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow and was a Hertz Fellowship Finalist. In her free time, Olga enjoys design, yoga, photography, and playing cello.
Song Y, Botvinnik OB , Lovci MT, Kakaradov B, Liu PL, Xu JL,Yeo GW. Single-Cell Alternative Splicing Analysis with Expedition Reveals Splicing Dynamics during Neuron Differentiation*. Molecular Cell 2017 July