Source code for outrigger.tests.index.test_events

import logging
import os
import re

import pandas as pd
import pandas.util.testing as pdt
import pytest
from graphlite import connect, V


[docs]def chrom(): return 'chr1'
[docs]def exon_start_stop(): return {'exon1alt': (100, 125), 'exon1': (150, 175), 'exon2a3ss': (200, 250), 'exon2': (225, 250), 'exon2a5ss': (225, 275), 'exon3': (300, 350), 'exon4': (400, 425), 'exon4alt': (475, 500)}
[docs]def transcripts(): return ( ('Transcript 1', ('exon1', 'exon2', 'exon3', 'exon4')), # Alt 1st exon, relative to transcript1 ('Transcript 2', ('exon1alt', 'exon2', 'exon3', 'exon4')), # skipped exon, relative to transcript1 ('Transcript 3', ('exon1', 'exon3', 'exon4')), # Alt 3' splice site, relative to transcript1 ('Transcript 4', ('exon1', 'exon2a3ss', 'exon3', 'exon4')), # Alt 5' splice site, relative to transcript1 ('Transcript 5', ('exon1', 'exon2a5ss', 'exon3', 'exon4')), # MXE, relative to transcript1 ('Transcript 6', ('exon1', 'exon2', 'exon4')), # Twin Cassette, relative to transcript1 ('Transcript 7', ('exon1', 'exon4')), # Alt last exon, relative to transcript1 ('Transcript 8', ('exon1', 'exon2', 'exon3', 'exon4alt')) )
@pytest.fixture(params=[None, 'exon'])
[docs]def region(request): return request.param
[docs]def junction_to_exons(chrom, exon_start_stop, transcripts, strand): from collections import defaultdict from import stringify_location data = defaultdict(lambda: {'upstream': set([]), 'downstream': set([])}) for transcript, exons in transcripts: for exon1, exon2 in zip(exons, exons[1:]): start1, stop1 = exon_start_stop[exon1] start2, stop2 = exon_start_stop[exon2] exon1_location = stringify_location(chrom, start1, stop1, strand, 'exon') exon2_location = stringify_location(chrom, start2, stop2, strand, 'exon') # if strand == '-': # start = stop2 + 1 # stop = start1 - 1 # else: start = stop1 + 1 stop = start2 - 1 junction_location = stringify_location(chrom, start, stop, strand, 'junction') if strand == '-': data[junction_location]['downstream'].add(exon1_location) data[junction_location]['upstream'].add(exon2_location) else: data[junction_location]['upstream'].add(exon1_location) data[junction_location]['downstream'].add(exon2_location) data = pd.DataFrame(data).T data = data.applymap(lambda x: ','.join(x)) data = data.reset_index() data = data.rename(columns={'index': 'junction'}) return data
[docs]def junction_exon_triples(chrom, exon_start_stop, transcripts, strand): from import stringify_location data = [] for transcript, exons in transcripts: for exon1, exon2 in zip(exons, exons[1:]): start1, stop1 = exon_start_stop[exon1] start2, stop2 = exon_start_stop[exon2] exon1_location = stringify_location(chrom, start1, stop1, strand, 'exon') exon2_location = stringify_location(chrom, start2, stop2, strand, 'exon') # if strand == '-': # start = stop2 + 1 # stop = start1 - 1 # else: start = stop1 + 1 stop = start2 - 1 junction_location = stringify_location(chrom, start, stop, strand, 'junction') if strand == '-': data.append( [exon1_location, 'downstream', junction_location]) data.append( [exon2_location, 'upstream', junction_location]) else: data.append( [exon1_location, 'upstream', junction_location]) data.append( [exon2_location, 'downstream', junction_location]) data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['exon', 'direction', 'junction']) data = data.drop_duplicates() return data
[docs]def test_stringify_location(chrom, strand, region): from import stringify_location test = stringify_location(chrom, 100, 200, strand, region) if region is None: true = '{0}:{1}-{2}:{3}'.format(chrom, 100, 200, strand) else: true = '{0}:{1}:{2}-{3}:{4}'.format(region, chrom, 100, 200, strand) assert test == true
[docs]def assert_graph_items_equal(graph1, items1, graph2, items2): """Checks all relationships in graph1 exist in graph2, and vice versa""" from outrigger.common import DIRECTIONS for number1, item1 in enumerate(items1): for direction in DIRECTIONS: test = [items1[i] for i in graph1.find(getattr(V(number1), direction))] number2 = items2.index(item1) true = [items2[i] for i in graph2.find(getattr(V(number2), direction))] test.sort() true.sort() pdt.assert_equal(test, true) for number2, item2 in enumerate(items2): for direction in DIRECTIONS: test = [items2[i] for i in graph2.find(getattr(V(number2), direction))] number1 = items1.index(item2) true = [items1[i] for i in graph1.find(getattr(V(number1), direction))] test.sort() true.sort() pdt.assert_equal(test, true)
[docs]class TestEventMaker(object): @pytest.fixture
[docs] def event_maker(self, junction_exon_triples): from import EventMaker return EventMaker(junction_exon_triples)
[docs] def test_init(self, junction_exon_triples): from import EventMaker, CHROM junction_exon_triples_chrom = junction_exon_triples.copy() junction_exon_triples_chrom[CHROM] = \ junction_exon_triples_chrom['junction'].str.split(':').str[1] test = EventMaker(junction_exon_triples) pdt.assert_frame_equal(test.junction_exon_triples, junction_exon_triples_chrom) assert test.db is None assert test.junction_col == 'junction' assert test.exon_col == 'exon'
[docs] def strand_name(self, strand): if strand == '+': return "positive" else: return "negative"
[docs] def events_csv(self, simulated_outrigger_index, strand_name): return os.path.join(simulated_outrigger_index, strand_name, 'events.csv')
[docs] def test_finding_events(self, event_maker, capsys, strand_name, splice_type, simulated_outrigger_index): """Test finding SE and MXE events in one function""" from outrigger.common import SPLICE_ABBREVS test_events = event_maker.find_events() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert 'Combining all events into large dataframes' in out assert 'Done.' in out for splice_abbrev in SPLICE_ABBREVS: test = test_events[splice_abbrev] events_csv = os.path.join( simulated_outrigger_index, splice_abbrev, 'events_{}_strand.csv'.format(strand_name)) true = pd.read_csv(events_csv, index_col=0) sort_by = [x for x in true.columns if re.match('exon\d', x)] test.sort_values(by=sort_by, inplace=True) true.sort_values(by=sort_by, inplace=True) pdt.assert_frame_equal(test, true)
[docs] def test_a5ss(self, event_maker, strand): true = {('exon:chr1:225-250:+', # Exon 2 'exon:chr1:225-275:+', # Exon 2, Alt 5' splice site 'exon:chr1:300-350:+'): # Exon 3 ('junction:chr1:251-299:+', # Exon2-Exon3 junction 'junction:chr1:276-299:+')} # Exon2a5ss-Exon3 junction return true
[docs] def test_a3ss(self, event_maker, strand): true = {('exon:chr1:150-175:+', # Exon 1 'exon:chr1:200-250:+', # Exon 2, Alt 3' splice site 'exon:chr1:225-250:+'): # Exon 2 ('junction:chr1:176-199:+', # Exon1-Exon2a3ss junction 'junction:chr1:176-224:+')} # Exon1-Exon2 junction return true
[docs] def test_afe(self, event_maker, strand): true = {('exon:chr1:100-125:+', # Exon 1 alt 'exon:chr1:150-175:+', # Exon 1 'exon:chr1:225-250:+'): # Exon 2 ('junction:chr1:126-224:+', # Exon1alt-Exon2 junction 'junction:chr1:176-224:+')} # Exon1-Exon2 junction return true
[docs] def test_ale(self, event_maker, strand): true = {('exon:chr1:300-350:+', # Exon 3 'exon:chr1:400-425:+', # Exon 4 'exon:chr1:475-500:+'): # Exon 4 alt ('junction:chr1:351-399:+', # Exon3-Exon4 junction 'junction:chr1:351-474:+')} # Exon3-Exon4alt junction return true
[docs]def graph_items(exon_start_stop, transcripts, chrom, strand): from import stringify_location, opposite graph = connect(":memory:", graphs=['upstream', 'downstream']) items = [] triples = set() for transcript, exons in transcripts: for exon1, exon2 in zip(exons, exons[1:]): start1, stop1 = exon_start_stop[exon1] start2, stop2 = exon_start_stop[exon2] exon1_location = stringify_location(chrom, start1, stop1, strand, 'exon') exon2_location = stringify_location(chrom, start2, stop2, strand, 'exon') start = stop1 + 1 stop = start2 - 1 junction_location = stringify_location(chrom, start, stop, strand, 'junction') if exon1_location not in items: items.append(exon1_location) if exon2_location not in items: items.append(exon2_location) if junction_location not in items: items.append(junction_location) # Get unique integer for junction junction_i = items.index(junction_location) if strand == '-': exon1_triple = exon1_location, 'downstream', junction_location exon2_triple = exon2_location, 'upstream', junction_location else: exon1_triple = exon1_location, 'upstream', junction_location exon2_triple = exon2_location, 'downstream', junction_location exon_triples = exon1_triple, exon2_triple with graph.transaction() as tr: for exon_triple in exon_triples: if exon_triple not in triples: triples.add(exon_triple) exon, direction, junction = exon_triple # Get unique integer for exon exon_i = items.index(exon), direction)(junction_i)), opposite(direction))( exon_i)) else: continue items = tuple(items) return graph, items
[docs]class TestSpliceGraph(object): @pytest.fixture
[docs] def splice_graph(self, junction_exon_triples): from import SpliceGraph return SpliceGraph(junction_exon_triples)
[docs] def test___init__(self, junction_exon_triples, graph_items): from import SpliceGraph test = SpliceGraph(junction_exon_triples) graph, items = graph_items exons = tuple(junction_exon_triples.exon.unique()) junctions = tuple(junction_exon_triples.junction.unique()) pdt.assert_equal(test.exons, exons) pdt.assert_equal(test.junctions, junctions) pdt.assert_equal(sorted(test.items), sorted(items)) assert_graph_items_equal(test.graph, test.items, graph, items)
[docs] def exon1_i(self, strand): if strand == '+': return 0 if strand == '-': return 3
[docs] def exon1_name(self, splice_graph, exon1_i): return splice_graph.exons[exon1_i]
[docs] def test_exons_one_junction_upstream(self, splice_graph, exon1_i, strand): test = tuple(splice_graph.exons_one_junction_downstream(exon1_i)) if strand == '+': true = (1, 2, 5, 6, 3) if strand == '-': true = (2, 1, 0) assert test == true
[docs] def test_exons_two_junctions_downstream(self, splice_graph, exon1_i, strand): test = tuple(splice_graph.exons_two_junctions_downstream(exon1_i)) if strand == '+': true = (2, 3, 2, 3, 7) if strand == '-': true = (0, 1, 4, 0, 5, 6) assert test == true
[docs] def test_junctions_between_exons(self, splice_graph, strand, exon1_i): if strand == '+': test = tuple(splice_graph.junctions_between_exons(exon1_i, 1)) true = (8,) if strand == '-': test = tuple(splice_graph.junctions_between_exons(exon1_i, 0)) true = (16,) assert test == true
[docs] def skipped_exon_events(self, strand): if strand == '+': return {('exon:chr1:150-175:+', 'exon:chr1:200-250:+', 'exon:chr1:300-350:+'): ['junction:chr1:176-299:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-199:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:251-299:+'], # noqa ('exon:chr1:150-175:+', 'exon:chr1:225-250:+', 'exon:chr1:300-350:+'): ['junction:chr1:176-299:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-224:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:251-299:+'], # noqa ('exon:chr1:150-175:+', 'exon:chr1:225-250:+', 'exon:chr1:400-425:+'): ['junction:chr1:176-399:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-224:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:251-399:+'], # noqa ('exon:chr1:150-175:+', 'exon:chr1:225-275:+', 'exon:chr1:300-350:+'): ['junction:chr1:176-299:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-224:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:276-299:+'], # noqa ('exon:chr1:150-175:+', 'exon:chr1:300-350:+', 'exon:chr1:400-425:+'): ['junction:chr1:176-399:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-299:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:351-399:+']} # noqa if strand == '-': return {('exon:chr1:400-425:-', 'exon:chr1:225-250:-', 'exon:chr1:150-175:-'): ['junction:chr1:176-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:251-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-224:-'], # noqa ('exon:chr1:400-425:-', 'exon:chr1:300-350:-', 'exon:chr1:150-175:-'): ['junction:chr1:176-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:351-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-299:-'], # noqa ('exon:chr1:400-425:-', 'exon:chr1:300-350:-', 'exon:chr1:225-250:-'): ['junction:chr1:251-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:351-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:251-299:-']} # noqa
[docs] def mutually_exclusive_events(self, strand): if strand == '+': return {('exon:chr1:150-175:+', 'exon:chr1:225-250:+', 'exon:chr1:300-350:+', 'exon:chr1:400-425:+'): ['junction:chr1:176-299:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:351-399:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-224:+', # noqa 'junction:chr1:251-399:+']} # noqa if strand == '-': return {('exon:chr1:400-425:-', 'exon:chr1:300-350:-', 'exon:chr1:225-250:-', 'exon:chr1:150-175:-'): ['junction:chr1:251-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-224:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:351-399:-', # noqa 'junction:chr1:176-299:-']} # noqa
[docs] def test__skipped_exon(self, splice_graph, exon1_i, exon1_name, skipped_exon_events): test = splice_graph._skipped_exon(exon1_i, exon1_name) true = skipped_exon_events pdt.assert_dict_equal(test, true)
[docs] def test__mutually_exclusive_exon(self, splice_graph, exon1_i, exon1_name, mutually_exclusive_events): test = splice_graph._mutually_exclusive_exon(exon1_i, exon1_name) true = mutually_exclusive_events pdt.assert_dict_equal(test, true)
[docs] def test_single_exon_alternative_events(self, splice_graph, exon1_i, exon1_name, mutually_exclusive_events, skipped_exon_events): test = splice_graph.single_exon_alternative_events( exon1_i, exon1_name) true = {'se': skipped_exon_events, 'mxe': mutually_exclusive_events} pdt.assert_dict_equal(test, true)